
turkey time, happy thanksgiving!

These were on each of the plates at our Thanksgiving Dinner table setting.  I love how they aren't the traditional pumpkin orange.
I have been a bit absent the past couple of days.  I have been busy baking cake(s), eating turkey and drinking way too much wine!  We have had a packed schedule this weekend beginning with going to the season opener Sens hockey game on Friday night.  Saturday was a day full of baking and cooking and then eventually hosting Thanksgiving dinner number one for us.  Thanksgiving dinner number two occurred last night at my Husband's Father's house.  Thanksgiving meal number three will take place tonight and consist of left overs.

I am not the cook in the family.  My Mom was not the cook in our household growing up.  We love men who cook!  On rare occasions I do decide to tackle a meal, or in this case desert, in the kitchen.  Most times it does turn out, but not without a struggle.  The struggle this time around... oh I forgot a key ingredient in my coconut layer cake... the baking powder.  Instead of a fluffy cake, I had something that resembled pound cake.  I went with the flow.  I ran to the store.  I bought more eggs.  I bought more coconut milk.  I triumphed and re-made the cake.  I would like to blame this mishap on my stress level in general, but I think me and the kitchen just were not meant to be.

All was not lost.  We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner here with my Parents (who brought the turkey) and our neighbors (who were experiencing their first ever Thanksgiving dinner)!

 Today we are taking it easy.  So far we have watched a movie and eaten a wheat free but delicious quiche. I seem to be doing a good job of remaining stress free!  Let's hope I can say the same thing tomorrow morning!

Via a Hallmark Card from my Parents


  1. Belated Happy Thanksgiving Ashley. Holly and I are really enjoying your blog... You have talent for this. Your reflective thoughts are reflect what a lot of us can't put so succinctly into words..YOU HAVE STYLE..and by the way I was all alone for Thanksgiving BOO HOO. Dennis has been out in BC with his family, so when your Mom & Dad invited or(should I say insisted that I join them for 'post thanksgiving' dinner) I was happy to not be forgotten. As usual your dad was the chef/BBQ creating an amazing plank Sallmon with at peach reduction glaze. He is a cullinary wonder you mom lets him take charge. The caramalized apples were a wonderful memory of my childhood..a warm and yummy dessert that I hade forgotten about, it flooded me with wonderful memories of dinner at home when I was a kid. So I am thankful for the friendship of your parents who are always so generous and hospitable and I think you are probably not so different from them. Keep writing. You have a gift.

  2. OOPS I guess I should have done a proof read before I hit send...please overlook my type O's.

  3. Leeanne thank you so much for following! I am glad that you and Holly are enjoying the read! Glad to hear you had a nice dinner with my parents! I will have to bug my mom that you commented on one of my posts before she did! (Although I know she and my dad read this all the time). Thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement!!!



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